I have been offering Art Classes in our local Community College for over 20 years. It is an excellent way to get recognized in your community...Teaching what you love! How good is that! Check it out! You can make it happen too!
If you do not know already...I have other websites that I work on. That I own. I am able to cross over information and grow a larger audience with posting the same or similar information on one or all sites.
My intent is at some point in time to let go or and sell the sites. I am busily building up my assets! What are you doing to build your Arts business? Here I have incorporated and wishing to gain cross over interest in both my OilPastelSmudge.com site and my Calligraphy-theLetteraryArts.com site with a FaceBook post on Oil Pastel Smudge. Like tagging myself in a different way! I have been having fun lately taking my art to a new level and presentation. Here I have my Calligraphy lettering, where I create what I call a beauty shot, and join the artwork with 3 dimensional objects relating to the message or theme. I take a photograph wiht my iPhone or digital camera and there you go another dimension of my art! Take your Art to the next level! Give it a try! Think Creative! Be Creative! What's wonderful about being an illustrator is you get to draw and work with color. When thinking eBook ...Think THEME! Seasonal, Holiday, Animals, Flowers, Sea life, you get the idea.
This is an eBook I created years ago. I worked with the publisher who wanted 4 seasonal eBooks in my style of illustration. Winter, Summer, Spring and Fall! They were great fun putting them together and I can see myself creating more. If I can do it I am sure you can too! Think THEME and make it happen! Every year I try to get involved with ARTOWN in some way. This year after COVID I was a little off, like many of us were and maybe still are. I didn't approach getting involved with the enthusiasm I have had in the past. Then one day, out of the blue, I received a surprise invite from a friend who I met through my association with Sierra Arts years ago. He offered me an opportunity I couldn't and didn't wish to refuse. It was perfect. Sharing my Calligraphy during ARTOWN! You never know who remembers you. So be professional in all the ways you can. It really pays off. Thanks Bill K.
I will be at the Sparks Heritage Museum from 4pm-7pm sharing my Calligraphy "Inspiring Lettering" I will have my 2022 Calligraphy Calendars and other fun Calligraphy items for sale. You can also give Calligraphy a try with several of the tools I use to create my inspiring lettering. See you at ARTOWN! In Reno, Nevada where I live we have a month long event called ARTOWN! The Truckee Meadows becomes Art Everywhere. This event draws literally 1000's of visitors to the area. Visual, performing, literary and any other creative art form you can think of takes place in the whole community and the adjacent areas. Business' work together with Artist's to create interest in the artist and their business. It is a Win situation for both.
Take the time to check out ARTOWN to see if you can find a fit for you and your Art and your Arts Business. Ideas are everywhere! Happy Summertime Fun! What does all that mean? Life, if you look for the miracles that exist in life. Guess what, you see them. Creating ART to me is a miracle. Where do I get the energy, time and inspiration to take this, that, and the other and make something of beauty, that gives me joy! That is a miracle!
Desert Surprise! I live in the desert. We have highways that go on and on, flat, with mountains so far, far away you can barely see them. When the highway runs close to a group of mountains it is a wonderful surprise! How does all this relate to art and Business? You can be running flat...same old, same old, and then out of the blue! Surprise!!! All of your hard work comes to fruition. Hang in there! Your time is coming! This image below is called "Desert Surprise" it was created in the Oil Pastel Smudge technique I invented. I recently checked my Oil Pastel Smudge FaceBook page and see I have 2.4K followers. To you it might not be a lot, to me it is amazing! It has been a long time coming. I post on the page every so often and WOW! I'm reaching that many people. Technology is wonderful! Embrace it! Don't ever give up on your Dreams! My Art Business takes me to all the most wonderful places in my life. I have been with the Latimer Art Club approximately 5-6 years now, maybe more. I served as their Vice President for 3 years and also the Presenter / Arranger position on the Board for over 5 years. Press on the image and it will take you to the link and full article of the LatimerArtClub.com Many thanks to this fabulous organization that has helped me to become the professional artist I am today!